
Geoscience, energy, policy, and coding in between.

Hi there 👋 I am Arie!

I am currently working as a Geoscientist in the Multi-national company in the field of Energy, i.e. subsurface analytics, energy exploration, and geoscience analytics, in Nordic Country of Norway!

My experience in coding started out in 2020, where I have a need to help students learn about petrophysics online. Problem is I could not find a good solution that is free and OS-agnositc. So I developed a web application to load well-log data in LAS file format and do basic petrophysical analysis at plotpetrophysics.streamlit.app.

I am interested in learning about public policy and its intersection with energy in tackling climate change. I think subsurface analytics will play a role in helping the world navigate around climate challenges. I have a unique skillsets that intersects between energy and data. Personally, I am also interested to learn about policy making, to make more impact - by using data.

Full detail is available in my resumes:

- data science resume

- geoscientist resume


  • B.Eng. in Geological Engineering (Specialised in Energy, and Reservoir Analysis), 2012
    University Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


  • Cooking
  • Rudimental Drums
  • Data Visualisation
  • Hiking
  • Fishing