Webscraping National Exams of Indonesia

National Exams 2015-2019. Is Education still decentralized in Java island and its surroundings?


A.A. Wijaya


January 31, 2023

Photo by Ed Us on Unsplash

The Role of National Exam

For the longest time, national exam, like many other countries in the world is used as one of the metric to measure how well our future would be (re: children). The concept is simple, each and every children in the country will be given a set of questions/ tasks, that has to be completed for a given time, on different subjects (likely to be Math, Language, Science).

Indonesia Minister of Education

In Indonesia, this was used to be the sole metric to say if one student passed the exam or not. This has been changed ever since the newly appointed education minister of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim (also the co-founder of SE Asia Decacorn- Gojek, Now GoTo). Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how this metric pan out over the course of 2015-2019, to see if the decentralized quality of education still persist in Java, Bali and its surrounding only. Leaving out Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, NTT, and Papua.

Data Gathering

Webscraping using Pandas

We’re taking a look on the data from Ministry of Education (Kemendikbud), from 2019 on national exams as follows.

For this use we will need to scrape the data from the website, but the catch is–we are using just pandas library!

Show Code
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

Enter pandas.read_html()

Show Code
un_2019= \

No. Kode Wilayah Nama Wilayah Propinsi Persentase Anggaran Pendidikan tanpa Transfer Daerah (%) UN SMP UN SMA IPA UN SMA IPS UN SMA BAHASA UN SMK IIUN SMP IIUN SMA IPA IIUN SMA IPS IIUN SMA BAHASA IIUN SMK
0 1 010000 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 18.96 62.17 67.99 63.75 0 51.41 100 100 100 0 100
1 2 010100 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 0.00 45.26 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0
2 3 016000 Kota Jakarta Pusat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 0.00 60.97 69.43 64.01 0 55.13 100 100 100 0 100
3 4 016100 Kota Jakarta Utara Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 0.00 60.09 66.59 61.53 0 48.85 100 100 100 0 100
4 5 016200 Kota Jakarta Barat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 0.00 60.42 69.31 63.85 0 49.65 100 100 100 0 100

Let’s see what features do we have, and which one do we really care about in this project.

Show Code
Index(['No.', 'Kode Wilayah', 'Nama Wilayah', 'Propinsi',
       'Persentase Anggaran Pendidikan tanpa Transfer Daerah (%)', 'UN SMP',

We will leave some columns and just using region information (‘Nama Wilayah’, ‘Propinsi’), and national exams score (‘UN SMP’,‘UN SMA IPA’, ‘UN SMA IPS’)

Show Code
un_2019 = un_2019[['Nama Wilayah', 'Propinsi', 'UN SMP','UN SMA IPA', 'UN SMA IPS']]
Nama Wilayah Propinsi UN SMP UN SMA IPA UN SMA IPS
0 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 62.17 67.99 63.75
1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 45.26 0 0
2 Kota Jakarta Pusat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.97 69.43 64.01
3 Kota Jakarta Utara Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.09 66.59 61.53
4 Kota Jakarta Barat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.42 69.31 63.85

Let’s also check if the dtypes is already correct e.g. digit would be float64 or int64 dtype.

Show Code
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 547 entries, 0 to 546
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------        --------------  ----- 
 0   Nama Wilayah  547 non-null    object
 1   Propinsi      547 non-null    object
 2   UN SMP        547 non-null    object
 3   UN SMA IPA    547 non-null    object
 4   UN SMA IPS    547 non-null    object
dtypes: object(5)
memory usage: 21.5+ KB

Let’s make some amendments on dtypes, to allow plotting.

Show Code
un_2019 = \
    'UN SMP': float,
    'UN SMA IPA': float,
    'UN SMA IPS': float,
Nama Wilayah     object
Propinsi         object
UN SMP          float64
UN SMA IPA      float64
UN SMA IPS      float64
dtype: object

Just me, but I dont like redundant information, so let’s remove some of the words in the column.

Show Code
un_2019 = un_2019.rename(columns={
    'Nama Wilayah': 'Wilayah'})
0 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 62.17 67.99 63.75
1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 45.26 0.00 0.00
2 Kota Jakarta Pusat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.97 69.43 64.01
3 Kota Jakarta Utara Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.09 66.59 61.53
4 Kota Jakarta Barat Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta 60.42 69.31 63.85

Similarly, let’s remove ‘Prov’ from each data in ‘Propinsi’ column.

Show Code
un_2019['Propinsi'] = \
un_2019['Propinsi'].str.replace('Prov. ', '', regex=False)

0 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta D.K.I. Jakarta 62.17 67.99 63.75
1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu D.K.I. Jakarta 45.26 0.00 0.00
2 Kota Jakarta Pusat D.K.I. Jakarta 60.97 69.43 64.01
3 Kota Jakarta Utara D.K.I. Jakarta 60.09 66.59 61.53
4 Kota Jakarta Barat D.K.I. Jakarta 60.42 69.31 63.85

Quick DataViz…

Let’s plot senior high school (SMA) data:

Show Code
#making the barchart

     # 'UN SMP',
     'UN SMA IPA', 
     'UN SMA IPS'
     by='UN SMA IPA',
     # ax=axs[0],

So, from the look of it, 2019 seems to be the year of our capital city: D.K.I. Jakarta, followed by Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, Timur, Bali etc. Excluding Bangka Belitung, the big five is all from Java and Bali.

Decentralized? From 2019- YES.

But of course this won’t do it justice, we need more data right?

Scrape More Data

Let’s all be human, not abusive towards our notebook, and create a function to scrape our data-change the dtypes-change the column name etc.

Show Code
def webscrap(tahun):
    df = pd.read_html(f'https://npd.kemdikbud.go.id/?appid=hasilun&tahun={tahun}')[1][0:547] #ambil data dari web
    df = df[['Nama Wilayah', 'Propinsi', 'UN SMP','UN SMA IPA', 'UN SMA IPS']] #extract kolom
    df = df.astype({'UN SMP': float, 'UN SMA IPA': float, 'UN SMA IPS': float}) #ubah dtypes
    df = df.rename(columns={'Nama Wilayah': 'Wilayah'}) #rename kolom 'Nama Wilayah' jadi 'Wilayah'
    df['Propinsi'] = df['Propinsi'].str.replace('Prov. ', '', regex=False) #menghapus 'Prov.' 
    df['Tahun'] = tahun #menambahkan kolom tahun
    return df

Then let’s scrap all years data from 2015-2019.

Show Code
un_2015 = webscrap(2015)
un_2016 = webscrap(2016)
un_2017 = webscrap(2017)
un_2018 = webscrap(2018)
un_2019 = webscrap(2019)

Let’s do quick sanity check:

Show Code
Wilayah Propinsi UN SMP UN SMA IPA UN SMA IPS Tahun
0 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta D.K.I. Jakarta 73.96 72.99 66.05 2015
1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu D.K.I. Jakarta 62.80 0.00 0.00 2015
2 Kota Jakarta Pusat D.K.I. Jakarta 74.02 72.82 63.99 2015
3 Kota Jakarta Utara D.K.I. Jakarta 71.22 69.54 63.31 2015
4 Kota Jakarta Barat D.K.I. Jakarta 71.86 71.79 63.71 2015
Show Code
Wilayah Propinsi UN SMP UN SMA IPA UN SMA IPS Tahun
0 Prov. D.K.I. Jakarta D.K.I. Jakarta 62.17 67.99 63.75 2019
1 Kab. Kepulauan Seribu D.K.I. Jakarta 45.26 0.00 0.00 2019
2 Kota Jakarta Pusat D.K.I. Jakarta 60.97 69.43 64.01 2019
3 Kota Jakarta Utara D.K.I. Jakarta 60.09 66.59 61.53 2019
4 Kota Jakarta Barat D.K.I. Jakarta 60.42 69.31 63.85 2019

Even better, let’s combine all of the data into one big data:

Show Code
#merge data
list_df = [un_2015, un_2016, un_2017, un_2018, un_2019]
un_2015_2019 = pd.concat(list_df, axis='rows')

#sanity check
2015    547
2016    547
2017    547
2018    547
2019    547
Name: Tahun, dtype: int64

Data looks good, but just to be safe, let’s save it before we do anything stupid.

Show Code
un_2015_2019.to_csv("un_2015_2019.csv", index=False)

More DataViz…

Let’s see which 10 regions have the highest mean national exams.

Show Code
order_new = \
 [['Propinsi', 'UN SMA IPA']]
 .sort_values(by='UN SMA IPA', ascending=False)

Propinsi UN SMA IPA
0 D.I. Yogyakarta 65.650000
1 Jawa Tengah 61.510000
2 D.K.I. Jakarta 58.410000
3 Jawa Timur 57.377949
4 Bali 55.901000
5 Bangka Belitung 55.407500
6 Sumatera Barat 54.978500
7 Kalimantan Timur 54.211818
8 Jawa Barat 53.813929
9 Banten 53.695556

Let’s do some plotting for all years.

Show Code
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,12))

     data=un_2015_2019.query(" Tahun>2014 "), 
     x='UN SMA IPA', 
     errorbar=('ci', False),

From the above figure, it looks like the Bali, D.I. Yogyakarta, similar to 2019 dataset is indeed appearing at the top-5.

But, let’s exclude year 2015 and 2016, as I think it is a bit an outlier in terms of value here.

Show Code
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,12))

     data=un_2015_2019.query(" Tahun>2016 "), 
     x='UN SMA IPA', 
     errorbar=('ci', False),

Just by looking at it, the big-five are from Java and Bali. Not until we reach rank 6 and below we see Bangka Belitung, Sumatera, and Kalimantan. Region outside Java and Bali.

Now let’s see if our thinking is right, by getting a top region on each national exams from junior to senior high schools.

Show Code
def get_max_prop(df):
    max_un_smp = df.groupby(['Propinsi'])['UN SMP'].mean().nlargest(1).index[0]
    max_un_sma_ipa = df.groupby(['Propinsi'])['UN SMA IPA'].mean().nlargest(1).index[0]
    max_un_sma_ips = df.groupby(['Propinsi'])['UN SMA IPS'].mean().nlargest(1).index[0]
    return [max_un_smp, max_un_sma_ipa, max_un_sma_ips]

Let’s do a loop over years;

Show Code
years = [un_2015, un_2016, un_2017, un_2018, un_2019]
for year in years:
['D.K.I. Jakarta', 'Bali', 'Bali']
['D.I. Yogyakarta', 'Bali', 'Sumatera Utara']
['D.I. Yogyakarta', 'Sulawesi Tenggara', 'D.I. Yogyakarta']
['D.I. Yogyakarta', 'D.I. Yogyakarta', 'D.I. Yogyakarta']
['D.I. Yogyakarta', 'D.I. Yogyakarta', 'D.I. Yogyakarta']

From the above result, it was clear that excluding Sulawesi Tenggara, all of provinces here is coming from Java and Bali. Most notably D.I. Yogyakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta and Bali.

Let’s Talk about Kalimantan Timur

Why? Cause I was raised in Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara region, Kalimantan Timur Province. I spent my senior high school here, so I have my own thinking here.

My theory is even if Kalimantan Timur was up there at rank 8, it was not from Tenggarong.

Show Code
(un_2015_2019.query("Propinsi == 'Kalimantan Timur'")
 .sort_values(by='UN SMA IPA', ascending=False, ignore_index=True)

Wilayah Propinsi UN SMP UN SMA IPA UN SMA IPS Tahun
0 Kab. Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur 67.48 67.03 66.30 2015
1 Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur 61.46 66.26 58.32 2019
2 Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur 57.47 63.93 61.97 2017
3 Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur 58.06 63.40 58.75 2018
4 Kab. Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur 55.74 62.27 61.03 2015
5 Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 59.49 61.71 53.79 2019
6 Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 57.87 61.30 51.25 2015
7 Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur 60.51 61.16 56.19 2016
8 Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 55.50 60.94 53.81 2017
9 Kota Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 56.65 60.51 51.45 2018
Why Bontang and Balikpapan?

Welp, no surprise there, I was right. My hometown (Kab. Kutai Kartanegara) did a good one in 2015, but that was it. The rest is Bontang, Balikpapan. Bontang, has a big industry from Pupuk Kaltim (PKT), and Balikpapan is a big Oil City with Airport, etc.

What do We Get?

I think it was clear now that education still very much an exclusive trait, owned by province, and place where there is an industry like Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, and Oil companies in Balikpapan. Places where not so much happening like Tenggarong, is very much stay behind the rest of Kalimantan Timur, and further behind the rest of the big cities in Java and Bali.

With the exclusion of National Exams as the only metric for student passing the bar, I wonder how could we as a nation measure the level of education on every province of Indonesia. For that, I wish my country the best - TIme will tell..I guess.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Wijaya, A.A.},
  title = {Webscraping {National} {Exams} of {Indonesia}},
  date = {2023-01-31},
  url = {https://adtarie.net/posts/004-national-exam/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Wijaya, A.A. 2023. “Webscraping National Exams of Indonesia .” January 31, 2023. https://adtarie.net/posts/004-national-exam/.