Easy Report: Malaysia Property Pricing

TLDR version of web-scraping property ads listing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and built a machine learning model to predict the rent price.


Aditya Arie Wijaya


February 12, 2023


Photo by Esmonde Yong on Unsplash

This is a machine learning project to predict unit/property monthly rent price in Kuala Lumpur region, Malaysia. The project uses a dataset from an online ads listing for property mudah.my. This project outlines the process of web-scraping/ data gathering, data cleaning-wrangling, and machine learning modeling.

This project aims to answers question about how much a unit monthly rent would be if given information such as location, number of bedrooms, parking, furnished, etc? This would help potential tenant and also the owner to get the best price of their rental unit, comparable to the market value.

Some previous work about house pricing was listed below, however most of them are targeting a dataset of house pricing or an Airbnb pricing. There are difference such as in Airbnb, the booking rarely took more than 2 weeks, let alone a year. Therefore the pricing may be different. Additionally, in Airbnb, there is text feature coming from the review given by the tenant and the owner.The better the review, the higher the rent prices – which was not available in this current project dataset.

Who is this for?


This project was the TLDR-version of the complete article where author explained in much more details about the process of webscraping-data cleaning-data wrangling-feature engineering, etc. This was made also as a mandatory terms for me to pass the Pacmann bootcamp intro to machine learning class. Video of me explaining the whole project is also available here or in the video below

Dataset & features

The dataset is using the scraped dataset from ads listing website, particularly property-to-rent surrounding Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Why Webscraping?

As 80% of data science process is about data engineering, from collection (gathering) to wrangling/ cleaning, author fells the need to brush up the skill, from available online data, relevant to the author (location: Kuala Lumpur), using webscraping tool such as BeaufifulSoup.

Detail of the web-scraping process on this project can be found in this article.

There are over 10k ads listed at the time of this project as can be seen below:

Data Description

Show Code
#importing libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 200)
import re

#reload the data
df = pd.read_csv("./mudah-apartment-clean.csv")
0 1
ads_id 100323185 100203973
prop_name The Hipster @ Taman Desa Segar Courts
completion_year 2022.0 NaN
monthly_rent RM 4 200 per month RM 2 300 per month
location Kuala Lumpur - Taman Desa Kuala Lumpur - Cheras
property_type Condominium Condominium
rooms 5 3
parking 2.0 1.0
bathroom 6.0 2.0
size 1842 sq.ft. 1170 sq.ft.
furnished Fully Furnished Partially Furnished
facilities Minimart, Gymnasium, Security, Playground, Swimming Pool, Parking, Lift, Barbeque area, Multipurpose hall, Jogging Track Playground, Parking, Barbeque area, Security, Jogging Track, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Lift, Sauna
additional_facilities Air-Cond, Cooking Allowed, Washing Machine Air-Cond, Cooking Allowed, Near KTM/LRT

There are 13 features with one unique ids (ads_id) and one target feature (monthly_rent)

  • ads_id: the listing ids (unique)
  • prop_name: name of the building/ property
  • completion_year: completion/ established year of the property
  • monthly_rent: monthly rent in ringgit malaysia (RM)
  • location: property location in Kuala Lumpur region
  • property_type:property type such as apartment, condominium, flat, duplex, studio, etc
  • rooms: number of rooms in the unit
  • parking: number of parking space for the unit
  • bathroom: number of bathrooms in the unit
  • size: total area of the unit in square feet
  • furnished: furnishing status of the unit (fully, partial, non-furnished)
  • facilities: main facilities available
  • additional_facilities: additional facilities (proximity to attraction area, mall, school, shopping, railways, etc)

Data Cleaning

The cleaning process mainly related to extracting the value out of column. E.g. extracting monthly rent of 1400 from a string of “1400 RM”, etc.

Show Code
#removing RM from monthly rent
df['monthly_rent'] = df['monthly_rent'].apply(lambda x: int(re.search(r'RM (.*?) per', x).group(1).replace(' ', '')))
df = df.rename(columns={'monthly_rent': 'monthly_rent_rm'})

#dropping sq.ft from size
df['size'] = df['size'].apply(lambda x: int(re.search(r'(.*?) sq', x).group(1).replace(' ', '')))
df = df.rename(columns={'size': 'size_sqft'})

#dropping kuala lumpur from the location
df['location'] = df['location'].apply(lambda x: re.findall("\w+$", x)[0])
0 1
ads_id 100323185 100203973
prop_name The Hipster @ Taman Desa Segar Courts
completion_year 2022.0 NaN
monthly_rent_rm 4200 2300
location Desa Cheras
property_type Condominium Condominium
rooms 5 3
parking 2.0 1.0
bathroom 6.0 2.0
size_sqft 1842 1170
furnished Fully Furnished Partially Furnished
facilities Minimart, Gymnasium, Security, Playground, Swimming Pool, Parking, Lift, Barbeque area, Multipurpose hall, Jogging Track Playground, Parking, Barbeque area, Security, Jogging Track, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Lift, Sauna
additional_facilities Air-Cond, Cooking Allowed, Washing Machine Air-Cond, Cooking Allowed, Near KTM/LRT


Following the works from others, author will be focusing on using Random Forest and Gradient Boosting for the two main machine learning model to try to compare to baseline (average, and linear regression).

  • Baseline using average means that the prediction will be using average value of the train target value. This yield a zero R2-score and the highest MAE value which will not be used as comparison in the following discussion.

The author will mainly talking about baseline using linear regression. Linear regression is one of the machine learning model, where the model objective is to minimize the total error (distance) of each predicted value against the actual value.

The comparable model will be using Random Forest and Gradient Boosting.

A gradient boosting uses iterative process to assign weights to different sample, until the model predicts the target correctly. Meanwhile, Random Forest use similar concept, but the sampling and feature selection are random, therefore reduces both bias and variance in the model.


The experiments mostly related to the data preparation before getting into modeling. The most author spent time with is feature selection and outlier removal. One of the insight when doing feature selection is the proximity to nearby railways (KTM/LRT) is likely to affect the increase of rent price. However, the finding is that the listing is inconsistent, the same property may listed to be ‘near KTM/LRT’, but the other rows were not.

Extracting Near KTM/LRT

Show Code
#extracting near KTM/LRT from the additional facilities
def extract_near_ktm_lrt(text):
    pattern = re.compile(r'\bNear KTM/LRT\b')
        match = pattern.search(text)
        if match:
            return 'yes'
        return 'no'
    except TypeError:
        return text
Show Code
df['nearby_railways'] = df.additional_facilities.apply(lambda x: extract_near_ktm_lrt(x))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
sns.boxplot(data=df, x='monthly_rent_rm', y='nearby_railways', ax=axs)

near_ktmlrt = df.query(" nearby_railways == 'yes' ")
not_near_ktmlrt = df.query(" nearby_railways == 'no' ")

Nearby KTM/LRT: {near_ktmlrt.monthly_rent_rm.median():.0f}RM
Not nearby KTM/LRT: {not_near_ktmlrt.monthly_rent_rm.median():.0f}RM
Nearby KTM/LRT: 1650RM
Not nearby KTM/LRT: 1600RM

Show Code
df[df['prop_name'] == 'Majestic Maxim'][['nearby_railways']].value_counts()
yes                166
no                  24
Name: count, dtype: int64

As seen above, nearby KTM/LRT is slightly increases the median monthly rent by 50RM, however near KTM/LRT is not appearing in all row even though the unit is the same building.

Drop Unnecessary Missing Values

Some features such as ads_id, prop_name, facilities and additional_facilities would no longer needed after the previous process.

Show Code
df = df.drop(columns=[
    # 'nearby_railways',
    # 'completion_year'
0 1
completion_year 2022.0 NaN
monthly_rent_rm 4200 2300
location Desa Cheras
property_type Condominium Condominium
rooms 5 3
parking 2.0 1.0
bathroom 6.0 2.0
size_sqft 1842 1170
furnished Fully Furnished Partially Furnished
nearby_railways no yes
Show Code
#converting rooms from object to int64 for plotting
df['rooms'] = pd.to_numeric(df['rooms'], downcast='integer', errors='coerce')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9991 entries, 0 to 9990
Data columns (total 10 columns):
 #   Column           Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------           --------------  -----  
 0   completion_year  5618 non-null   float64
 1   monthly_rent_rm  9991 non-null   int64  
 2   location         9991 non-null   object 
 3   property_type    9991 non-null   object 
 4   rooms            9987 non-null   float64
 5   parking          7361 non-null   float64
 6   bathroom         9989 non-null   float64
 7   size_sqft        9991 non-null   int64  
 8   furnished        9990 non-null   object 
 9   nearby_railways  7160 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 780.7+ KB

Outlier Removal

Removing the outlier is extremely important, as some of these observation e.g. monthly rent, have astronomical rent value, far exceeding the median. After multiple iteration, below is the most-ideal limit for size_sqft and monthly_rent_rm.

Show Code
f, axs = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,4))
df[['size_sqft', 'monthly_rent_rm']].plot(kind='scatter', 
plt.ylim(100,5500) #batas harga rent
plt.xlim(50,3000)  #batas size

Monthly Rent

Show Code
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(6,4))
axs[0].set_title('all data')

axs[1].set_title('100-5,500 RM')


Show Code
#removing all rows with monthly rent above 5500 RM and below 100RM
dfx = df.query(" monthly_rent_rm > 100 & monthly_rent_rm < 5500 ")


Show Code
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(5,4))
axs[0].boxplot(data=dfx, x='size_sqft')
axs[0].set_title('all data')

axs[1].boxplot(data=dfx, x='size_sqft')
axs[1].set_title('50-3,000 square feet')


Show Code
#removing outliers below 500, and higher than 3000 sqft and below 50 sqft
dfx = dfx.query(" size_sqft > 50 & size_sqft < 3000 ")

Data Preparation

Preprocessing Original Data for Categorical Dtypes

One must paying attention to the number of categorical observation in the original data, with respect to the sampling train-test value. If, the test_size = 0.3, that means any categorical observation with a total of 3 and less, would not be distributed evenly among train and test data. Below is the process of removing some observation in which appearing only in one of the dataset (train/ test).

Show Code
dfx_new = dfx[
    (dfx.location != 'Jinjang') 
    & (dfx.location != 'Serdang') & 
    (dfx.location != 'Sentral') & 
    (dfx.location != 'Others') & 
    (dfx.location != 'Tunku') & 
    (dfx.location != 'Penchala') & 
    (dfx.location != 'Lin') &
    # (dfx.property_type != 'Others') &
    (dfx.property_type != 'Condo / Services residence / Penthouse / Townhouse') &
    (dfx.property_type != 'Townhouse Condo')


Show Code
def extractInputOutput(data,
    Fungsi untuk memisahkan data input dan output
    :param data: <pandas dataframe> data seluruh sample
    :param output_column_name: <string> nama kolom output
    :return input_data: <pandas dataframe> data input
    :return output_data: <pandas series> data output
    output_data = data[output_column_name]
    input_data = data.drop(output_column_name,
                           axis = 1)
    return input_data, output_data
Show Code
X, y = extractInputOutput(data=dfx_new, 

Train-Test Split Data

Show Code
#import libraries
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Train test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
                                                    test_size = 0.2,
                                                    random_state = 123)

Training Data Imputation

Numerical Data
Show Code
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

def numericalImputation(X_train_num, 
                        strategy = 'most_frequent'):
    Fungsi untuk melakukan imputasi data numerik NaN
    :param data: <pandas dataframe> sample data input

    :return X_train_numerical: <pandas dataframe> data numerik
    :return imputer_numerical: numerical imputer method
    #buat imputer
    imputer_num = SimpleImputer(missing_values = np.nan, 
                                strategy = strategy)

    # transform
    imputed_data = imputer_num.transform(X_train_num)
    X_train_num_imputed = pd.DataFrame(imputed_data)

    #pastikan index dan nama kolom antara imputed dan non-imputed SAMA
    X_train_num_imputed.columns = X_train_num.columns
    X_train_num_imputed.index = X_train_num.index

    return X_train_num_imputed, imputer_num
Show Code
X_train_num =  X_train.select_dtypes(exclude='object')
X_train_num, imputer_num = numericalImputation(X_train_num, 
Categorical Data
Show Code
X_train_cat = X_train.select_dtypes(include='object')
X_train_cat, imputer_num = numericalImputation(X_train_cat, 
OHE Categorical Data
Show Code
def get_dum_n_concat(df_num, df_cat):
    df_cat_ohe = pd.get_dummies(df_cat)
    ohe_columns = df_cat_ohe.columns
    df_concat = pd.concat([df_num, df_cat_ohe], axis=1)
    print(f"Number of Cols: {df_concat.shape[1]},\nNumber of Null Rows: {df_concat.isna().sum()}")
    return ohe_columns, df_concat
Show Code
ohe_col, X_train_concat = get_dum_n_concat(X_train_num, 
Number of Cols: 63,
Number of Null Rows: completion_year                  0
rooms                            0
parking                          0
bathroom                         0
size_sqft                        0
furnished_Fully Furnished        0
furnished_Not Furnished          0
furnished_Partially Furnished    0
nearby_railways_no               0
nearby_railways_yes              0
Length: 63, dtype: int64
Show Code
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Buat fungsi
def standardizerData(data):
    Fungsi untuk melakukan standarisasi data
    :param data: <pandas dataframe> sampel data
    :return standardized_data: <pandas dataframe> sampel data standard
    :return standardizer: method untuk standardisasi data
    data_columns = data.columns  # agar nama kolom tidak hilang
    data_index = data.index  # agar index tidak hilang

    # buat (fit) standardizer
    standardizer = StandardScaler()

    # transform data
    standardized_data_raw = standardizer.transform(data)
    standardized_data = pd.DataFrame(standardized_data_raw)
    standardized_data.columns = data_columns
    standardized_data.index = data_index

    return standardized_data, standardizer
Show Code
X_train_clean, standardizer = standardizerData(data = X_train_concat)

Training Machine Learning

Baseline with Mean value
Show Code
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_absolute_error

y_baseline = np.ones(len(y_train)) * y_train.mean()

# Predict using the train data
y_pred_train_mean = y_baseline

# Calculate R-squared
r2_baseline = r2_score(y_train, 

#calculate MAE
mae_baseline = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 
Linear Regression
Show Code
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

# Train the linear regression model
lin_reg = LinearRegression().fit(X_train_clean, 

# Predict using the train data
y_pred_train_linreg = lin_reg.predict(X_train_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_linreg = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 

# Calculate R-squared
r2_linreg = r2_score(y_train, 
Show Code
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
# Build random forest
grad_tree = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state = 123)

# Fit random forest
grad_tree.fit(X_train_clean, y_train)

# Predict
y_pred_train_gb = grad_tree.predict(X_train_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_gb = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 

# Calculate R-squared
r2_gb = r2_score(y_train, 
Show Code
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV 

params = {'n_estimators': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
              'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.05, 0.01]}

# Buat gridsearch
grad_tree = GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state = 123)

grad_tree_cv = GridSearchCV(estimator = grad_tree,
                           param_grid = params,
                           cv = 5,
                           scoring = "neg_mean_absolute_error")
# Fit grid search cv

# Best params
{'learning_rate': 0.1, 'n_estimators': 500}
Show Code
# Refit the GB
grad_tree = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators = 500,
                                      random_state = 123)

GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=500, random_state=123)
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# Predict
y_pred_train_gbcv = grad_tree.predict(X_train_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_gb_cv = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 

# Calculate R-squared
r2_gb_cv = r2_score(y_train, 
Random Forest
Show Code
# Build random forest
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
rf_tree = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 100,
                                criterion = "squared_error",
                                max_features = "sqrt",
                                random_state = 123)

# Fit random forest
RandomForestRegressor(max_features='sqrt', random_state=123)
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# Predict
y_pred_train_rf = rf_tree.predict(X_train_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_rf = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 

# Calculate R-squared
r2_rf = r2_score(y_train, 

print(f"R2-score: {r2_rf:.4f} and MAE score: {mae_rf:.4f}")
R2-score: 0.9576 and MAE score: 100.6886
Show Code
params = {"n_estimators": [100, 200, 300, 500 ],
          "max_features": ["sqrt", "log2"]}

# Buat gridsearch
rf_tree = RandomForestRegressor(criterion = "squared_error",
                                random_state = 123)

rf_tree_cv = GridSearchCV(estimator = rf_tree,
                          param_grid = params,
                          cv = 5,
                          scoring = "neg_mean_absolute_error")
# Fit grid search cv

# Best params
{'max_features': 'sqrt', 'n_estimators': 500}
Show Code
# Refit the Random Forest
rf_tree = RandomForestRegressor(criterion = "squared_error",
                                max_features = 'sqrt',
                                n_estimators = 500,
                                random_state = 123)

RandomForestRegressor(max_features='sqrt', n_estimators=500, random_state=123)
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# Predict
y_pred_train_rfcv = rf_tree.predict(X_train_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_rf_cv = mean_absolute_error(y_train, 

# # Calculate R-squared
r2_rf_cv = r2_score(y_train, 


Figure 6 shows the result of all model tested on train dataset.

Show Code
Figure 1: Mean
Figure 2: Linear Regression
Figure 3: Gradient Boosting
Figure 4: Gradient Boosting with CV
Figure 5: Random Forest
Figure 6: Random Forest with CV

Best Model from Train Dataset

Show Code
mae_score = [mae_baseline, mae_linreg, 
             mae_gb, mae_gb_cv,
             mae_rf, mae_rf_cv]

r2_score = [r2_baseline, r2_linreg, 
            r2_gb, r2_gb_cv, 
            r2_rf, r2_rf_cv]

indexes = ["baseline", "linear regression", 
           "gradient boosting", "gradient boosting with CV",
           "random forest",  "random forest with CV"]

summary_df = pd.DataFrame({
    "MAE Train": mae_score,
    "R2-Score": r2_score,
},index = indexes)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, 


                                             y='MAE Train', 
Figure 7: Comparison Chart of R2 and MAE for all Models
Show Code
summary_df.applymap(lambda x: round(x, 2))
MAE Train R2-Score
baseline 562.37 0.00
linear regression 319.15 0.65
gradient boosting 281.68 0.72
gradient boosting with CV 228.02 0.82
random forest 100.69 0.96
random forest with CV 99.87 0.96

After several model tested on the train dataset, Random Forest with Hyperparameter tuning has the best R2-score and MAE value as shown in the Figure 7. The best model plotted below as reference:

Best Model - RF with CV

Applied Model on Test Dataset

Show Code
# libraries
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

#setting up
rf_tree = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 500,
                                criterion = "squared_error",
                                max_features = "sqrt",
                                random_state = 123)

#read cleaned test data
X_test_clean = pd.read_csv("./X_test_clean.csv")

#fit model train

# Predict model test
y_pred_test = rf_tree.predict(X_test_clean)

# Calculate mean absolute error
mae_rf_cv_test = mean_absolute_error(y_test, 

# # Calculate R-squared
r2_rf_cv_test = r2_score(y_test, 

print(f"R2-score: {r2_rf_cv_test:.3f} and MAE score: +/-{mae_rf_cv_test:.2f} RM")

sns.scatterplot(x=y_test, y=y_pred_test )
plt.plot([0, 5500], [0,5500], "--r")
plt.xlim(0, 5500)
plt.xlabel("Actual Monthly Rent")
plt.ylabel("Predicted Monthly Rent")
plt.suptitle("Random Forest - Test Dataset")
R2-score: 0.804 and MAE score: +/-213.72 RM

Show Code
mae_score = [mae_rf_cv,

r2_score = [r2_rf_cv, 

indexes = ["train", "test"]

summary_df_train_test = pd.DataFrame({
    "MAE Train": mae_score,
    "R2-Score": r2_score,
},index = indexes)

summary_df_train_test.applymap(lambda x: round(x, 2)) 
MAE Train R2-Score
train 99.87 0.96
test 213.72 0.80

Feature Importance

Show Code
# calculate the feature importances
importances = rf_tree.feature_importances_

# rescale the importances back to the original scale of the features
importances = importances * X_train_clean.std()

# sort the feature importances in descending order
sorted_index = importances.argsort()[::-1]

# print the feature importances
dict_feature_importance = {}
for i in sorted_index:
    # print("{}: {}".format(X_train_clean.columns[i], importances[i]))
    dict_feature_importance.update({X_train_clean.columns[i]: importances[i]})
# Create a DataFrame from the dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_feature_importance, orient='index', columns=['values'])

# Reset the index to become a column
df = df.reset_index()

# Rename the columns
df.columns = ['feature', 'importance_value']

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4))
 .sort_values(by='importance_value', ascending=False)
 .plot(kind='barh', x='feature', ax=axs)


  1. Result indicates that the best model for prediction is Random Forest with hyperparameter tuning, scoring 95% on R2-score, and a shy 100 RM on MAE. This proves to be a good model since the test dataset gives a scoring of 80% on R2, and 240 RM on MAE.

  2. There are some factors that author believed to be affecting the result/ performance of the model:

    1. Dropping missing value reduces the performance! Initial model uses half of the data (4-5k rows) and gives poorer performance on R2 and MAE. Imputation and keeping the number of rows close to the original dataset (9k rows) proves to be improving the model. Especially on test dataset.
    2. Feature selection importance can be seen on the last table, but initially the selection was based on paper and intuition of the author (author lives and work in KL, Malaysia for 5 years). Feature such as completion_year and nearby_railways are important in improving the model.
    3. Last but not least is the outlier identification. The best practice for me is using jointplot to see not only the distribution of the data in 2-dimension, but also in the third dimension (the density) of the data.
  3. Some insights after feature importance are the size plays a big role in determining the unit price, following size, the furniture availability apparently makes a big impact on the price. This gives an insight to owner of a unit to equip their unit with furniture to fully_furnished should they want to increase their unit market value.

  4. Some of the feature that were believed to be quite important even before doing the modeling is size_sqft, furnished and location. All three is available within the 10-most features affecting the modeling. As a context, location in KLCC is like Pondok Indah in South Jakarta and location in Kiara is like BSD in South Tangerang, therefore it makes senses to see those locations increasing the price of a rent.

Future works

  1. One of the feature that author thinks is significant but not appearing on the 10-best important feature is nearby_railways. This column is showing if a certain property has a close proximity to a railways (KTM/LRT). The issue is, half of the data is missing, hence the imputation. Author believes, the proximity to nearby railways line can be approximated using Manhanttan distance of railways line to each property unit.


Madhuri, CH. Raga, G. Anuradha, and M. Vani Pujitha. 2019. “House Price Prediction Using Regression Techniques: A Comparative Study.” 2019 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), March. https://doi.org/10.1109/icsss.2019.8882834.
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BibTeX citation:
@online{arie wijaya2023,
  author = {Arie Wijaya, Aditya},
  title = {{Easy} {Report:} {Malaysia} {Property} {Pricing}},
  date = {2023-02-12},
  url = {https://adtarie.net/posts/006-easy-report-machine-learning},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Arie Wijaya, Aditya. 2023.“ Easy Report: Malaysia Property Pricing.” February 12, 2023. https://adtarie.net/posts/006-easy-report-machine-learning.