Decoupling GDP from CO2 Emission - Only If You’re Rich Enough?

Developed countries were able to decoupled their GDP from CO2 emissions, while in developing countries, CO2 emissions is an inevitable consequences of their economic growth.


A.A. Wijaya


July 23, 2023


August 23, 2024

CO2 Emission vs GDP - Decoupled Economy

Our World in Data (OWID) shows some examples from a country that was able to decoupled their economy from CO2 emission. Decoupling economy is an economy where they still able to increase their GDP while at the same time reducing CO2 emission. UK is the example used in Figure 1.

Figure 1: United Kingdom Decoupled CO2 Emission vs Economic Growth

You can read the full article, but quoting a paragraph that interest me to write this article.

“These countries show that economic growth is not incompatible with reducing emissions.”

The narrative implies that you can grow your economy without emitting emission - a rather different statement considering the other chart from Figure 2 where the GDP (representing the economy strength) of a country is strongly related to the CO2 emission.

Even OWID themselves explained:

“Historically, CO2 emissions have been strongly correlated with how much money we have. This is particularly true at low-to-middle incomes. The richer we are, the more CO2 we emit. This is because we use more energy - which often comes from burning fossil fuels.” (source: Our World in Data)

Figure 2: CO2 Emission per Capita vs GDP per Capita

A country needs energy to grow their economy, the higher the energy consumption the higher the CO2 emission would be. The narrative that a country emits more CO2 because they are rich can be misleading.

It is not because we are rich we emit more CO2, but we are rich because we emit more CO2 used for energy, to grow the economy.

This is not to undermine the impact of CO2 emission to our global temperature, rather a proposal – to manage our expectations and a reality check on what can really be done. Some questions about “can we reduce our CO2 emission but still maintaining economy growth”? Or “do we have to increase our CO2 to raise our economic growth?” are some fair questions to be addressed in more detail.

Despite some articles pointed out the fact that some countries were able to decoupled their economy from CO2 emission as shown in Figure 1, it is important to understand the context, in which these countries were positioned compared to rest of the world.

This article will explore a dataset, contains emission from different countries, and to see correlation and infer some causality (if any) between economic growth and emissions. Hopefull would shed some lights on the final question:

What allows these countries to decouple their economy from emissions?

Data Importing and Cleaning

Exploring the CO2 emission dataset provided by the OWID (Our World in Data). The focus will be on the CO2 emission and it’s impact to GDP of a country. The premise stays the same, that a country must burn the energy to grow their economy, and to do that they will have to emit CO2, since more than 80% of energy (see Figure 3) in the world still comes from fossil-fuels (oil, gas, coal).

Figure 3: Global Energy Consumption

The dataset is downloaded from the provided link in the code block below.

Show Code
#importing dataset

import pandas as pd
import warnings

# Ignore future warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'

co2_raw = pd.read_csv('')
co2_remark = pd.read_csv('')
country year iso_code population gdp cement_co2 cement_co2_per_capita co2 co2_growth_abs co2_growth_prct ... share_global_other_co2 share_of_temperature_change_from_ghg temperature_change_from_ch4 temperature_change_from_co2 temperature_change_from_ghg temperature_change_from_n2o total_ghg total_ghg_excluding_lucf trade_co2 trade_co2_share
0 Afghanistan 1850 AFG 3752993.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Afghanistan 1851 AFG 3767956.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 0.157 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Afghanistan 1852 AFG 3783940.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 Afghanistan 1853 AFG 3800954.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 Afghanistan 1854 AFG 3818038.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 0.155 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
47410 Zimbabwe 2018 ZWE 15052191.0 2.678627e+10 0.558 0.037 10.715 1.419 15.265 ... NaN 0.114 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0 116.76 29.37 -0.088 -0.825
47411 Zimbabwe 2019 ZWE 15354606.0 2.514642e+10 0.473 0.031 9.775 -0.939 -8.765 ... NaN 0.113 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0 116.03 28.70 0.143 1.463
47412 Zimbabwe 2020 ZWE 15669663.0 2.317871e+10 0.496 0.032 7.850 -1.926 -19.700 ... NaN 0.112 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0 113.20 25.99 0.818 10.421
47413 Zimbabwe 2021 ZWE 15993525.0 2.514009e+10 0.531 0.033 8.396 0.547 6.962 ... NaN 0.110 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0 NaN NaN 1.088 12.956
47414 Zimbabwe 2022 ZWE 16320539.0 2.590159e+10 0.531 0.033 8.856 0.460 5.477 ... NaN 0.110 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN

47415 rows × 79 columns

There are over 70 columns in the original dataset, we will only use columns that we are interested in, mainly related to GDP and CO2 emission of a country, referenced by year. Some data cleaning (removing any null rows in GDP per Capita, or CO2 consumption per Capita, etc.).

Show Code
#selecting dataset
co2 = co2_raw[[ 'country', 'year','population', 'gdp', 'co2_per_capita', 'consumption_co2_per_capita' ]]

#adding gdp per capita column
co2['gdp_per_capita'] = co2['gdp']/ co2['population']

# dropping any rows with null consumption_co2_per_capita
co2 = co2[~co2.consumption_co2_per_capita.isnull()].reset_index(drop=True)

#drop gdp column
co2 = co2.drop(columns='gdp')

#removing any incomplete data
co2 = co2.query(" gdp_per_capita>0 & co2_per_capita>0")
country year population co2_per_capita consumption_co2_per_capita gdp_per_capita
232 Austria 1998 7975856.0 8.390 12.345 32570.340809
1125 El Salvador 1995 5748201.0 0.870 1.154 4369.935718
2768 New Zealand 2006 4179986.0 8.931 9.530 31297.629066
3606 Spain 1999 40542232.0 7.352 7.783 25446.336118
3207 Portugal 2016 10332751.0 4.874 5.276 25365.954418

Combining it with the Gapminder dataset1, and with the previously curated CO2 dataset we just created - we can have countries to add more context.

Show Code
#importing gapminder
gapminder = gapminder[['country', 'continent']]
gapminder = gapminder.drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)

#merging with original co2 dataset
co2 = pd.merge(co2, gapminder, on='country', how='inner')

#drop consumption per capita
co2 = co2.drop(columns='consumption_co2_per_capita')

#sanity check
country year population co2_per_capita gdp_per_capita continent
0 Albania 1990 3295073.0 1.675 3929.457471 Europe
1 Albania 1991 3302087.0 1.299 2839.372990 Europe
2 Albania 1992 3303738.0 0.762 2647.205908 Europe
3 Albania 1993 3300715.0 0.708 2919.471012 Europe
4 Albania 1994 3294001.0 0.584 3216.791504 Europe
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3078 Zimbabwe 2017 14751101.0 0.630 1733.837618 Africa
3079 Zimbabwe 2018 15052191.0 0.712 1779.559752 Africa
3080 Zimbabwe 2019 15354606.0 0.637 1637.711652 Africa
3081 Zimbabwe 2020 15669663.0 0.501 1479.209026 Africa
3082 Zimbabwe 2021 15993525.0 0.525 1571.891677 Africa

3083 rows × 6 columns

Expanding on the GDP per Capita, we can infer from which income class is a certain country belongs to. Using a rough classification by world-bank (may not be the best representation as income class is not the same every year2), but good enough for the purpose of this writing.

Show Code
#creating income class category based on gdp per capita. 

bins= [0.00001,1000,4000,12000,1000000] #setting up the group based on bmi bins 
labels = [
         ] #setting up the label on each group

co2['income_class']= pd.cut(

country year population co2_per_capita gdp_per_capita continent income_class
0 Albania 1990 3295073.0 1.675 3929.457471 Europe lower-middle
1 Albania 1991 3302087.0 1.299 2839.372990 Europe lower-middle
2 Albania 1992 3303738.0 0.762 2647.205908 Europe lower-middle
3 Albania 1993 3300715.0 0.708 2919.471012 Europe lower-middle
4 Albania 1994 3294001.0 0.584 3216.791504 Europe lower-middle
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3078 Zimbabwe 2017 14751101.0 0.630 1733.837618 Africa lower-middle
3079 Zimbabwe 2018 15052191.0 0.712 1779.559752 Africa lower-middle
3080 Zimbabwe 2019 15354606.0 0.637 1637.711652 Africa lower-middle
3081 Zimbabwe 2020 15669663.0 0.501 1479.209026 Africa lower-middle
3082 Zimbabwe 2021 15993525.0 0.525 1571.891677 Africa lower-middle

3083 rows × 7 columns

Data Exploration and Illustration

The first exploration of the data is to see how much change every country experiencing with over the course of 28 years from 1990-2018, and how the relationship between CO2 emission per Capita vs GDP per Capita look like.

Figure 4 shows the time-lapse between years, annotated to some countries from low (e.g. Ethiopia, Bangladesh), middle (e.g. Indonesia, India) to high (Singapore, USA, UK, etc.) GDP per CO2 Ratio.

The position is relatively stable especially for high-income countries like US, UK, and Germany, but drastic change for low-middle income countries.

Show Code
import plotly_express as px

source = co2

#selected countries to annotate
highlighted_countries = ['United States', 'Germany', 'United Kingdom',
                         'China', 'Singapore','Mexico', 'India', 'Indonesia', 
                         'Nigeria', 'Vietnam', 'Bangladesh', 'Ethiopia'

# Create a new column for text values based on the condition
source['text_value'] = source['country'].apply(lambda country: country if country in highlighted_countries else '')

fig = px.scatter(data_frame=source, 
           log_x = True, log_y=True,
           # text_baseline='bottom',

    # title='CO2 Emission vs GDP of Countries',
    xaxis_title='CO2 Emission per Capita (tonnes)',
    yaxis_title='GDP per Capita (USD)',
Figure 4: 1990-2018 Time-lapse Chart of CO2 Emission and GDP per Country

Country with Decreased CO2 Emission & Increased GDP - Decoupling Countries

Recalling some articles from OWID, where they pointed out some countries such as United Kingdom, where the economic growth still happening while at the same time, reducing the CO2 emission as shown in Figure 1. It sounds impressive, but from the Figure 5 below, it is quite clear on why some countries like United Kingdom, Germany or USA were able to decoupled their economy from their CO2 emissions.

Because they are already rich.

Decoupling concept itself is based on a premise of decreased from the previous data point. The low-income countries, cannot possibly have lower data point - it is already low! Meanwhile, for rich countries, fonce it gets saturated - their only way is to go down. It is easy to ignore the fact that those countries were sitting on top of other countries in terms of income level, with GDP per Capita at the high-income class countries, consistently above 20,000 USD ever since 1990!

The narrative that a country can really keep increasing their GDP per Capita without producing more CO2 emission is an oversimplification of the whole set of conditions that allow a country to do so.

Show Code
import altair as alt

highlighted_countries = ['India', 'Indonesia', 'United Kingdom', 'Germany', 'United States']


        "GDP per Capita vs CO2 Emission",
        subtitle=["Different CO2 vs GDP rate in different Countries"],
        offset=10, fontSize=16, 
    ).mark_point(size=90, filled=True, opacity=0.7).encode(
        'co2_per_capita:Q', title='CO2 per Capita',
        scale=alt.Scale(type="log", domain=[0.3, 30])
        'gdp_per_capita:Q', title='GDP per Capita',
    color=alt.Color('year', title='Year'),
    shape=alt.Shape('country', title='Country'),
    tooltip=['country', 'population', 'co2_per_capita', 'gdp_per_capita', 'year']
Figure 5: CO2 vs GDP per Capita for some countries with different trend

The Figure 5 shows that 20,000 is a tipping point - where some affluent countries started to be able to decoupling their CO2 emission from GDP. To be rich, a country will have to use more energy, and likely to produce more CO2 emissions because of that. As context, a modest estimation of 5% GDP growth, and 2% inflation rate, it will take 7 years, before Indonesia can reach 20,000 USD per Capita level.

These are affluent countries, what about the rest of the countries with less GDP per capita. Do we see similar tipping point? To answer that, we need to do some tinkering with the data as below.

Show Code
# create a column for gdp changes between 1990-2018

# Pivot the DataFrame to have years as columns
gdp_df = co2.pivot(index='country', columns='year', values='gdp_per_capita')
# pivoted_df

# Calculate the difference between GDP values for years 1980 and 2018
gdp_df['gdp_diff'] = gdp_df[2018] - gdp_df[1990]

# Reset the index to convert the DataFrame back to the original format

# Merge the calculated difference back to the original DataFrame
merged_df = pd.merge(co2, gdp_df[['country', 'gdp_diff']], on='country', how='left')

country year population co2_per_capita gdp_per_capita continent income_class text_value gdp_diff
0 Albania 1990 3295073.0 1.675 3929.457471 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274
1 Albania 1991 3302087.0 1.299 2839.372990 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274
2 Albania 1992 3303738.0 0.762 2647.205908 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274
3 Albania 1993 3300715.0 0.708 2919.471012 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274
4 Albania 1994 3294001.0 0.584 3216.791504 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3078 Zimbabwe 2017 14751101.0 0.630 1733.837618 Africa lower-middle -389.441120
3079 Zimbabwe 2018 15052191.0 0.712 1779.559752 Africa lower-middle -389.441120
3080 Zimbabwe 2019 15354606.0 0.637 1637.711652 Africa lower-middle -389.441120
3081 Zimbabwe 2020 15669663.0 0.501 1479.209026 Africa lower-middle -389.441120
3082 Zimbabwe 2021 15993525.0 0.525 1571.891677 Africa lower-middle -389.441120

3083 rows × 9 columns

Do the same for CO2 Emissions between 1990-2018.

Show Code
# create a column for co2 changes between 1990-2018

# Pivot the DataFrame to have years as columns
co2_df = co2.pivot(index='country', columns='year', values='co2_per_capita')
# pivoted_df

# Calculate the difference between GDP values for years 1980 and 2018
co2_df['co2_diff'] = co2_df[2018] - co2_df[1990]

# Reset the index to convert the DataFrame back to the original format

# Merge the calculated difference back to the original DataFrame
merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, co2_df[['country', 'co2_diff']], on='country', how='left')
country year population co2_per_capita gdp_per_capita continent income_class text_value gdp_diff co2_diff
0 Albania 1990 3295073.0 1.675 3929.457471 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274 0.026
1 Albania 1991 3302087.0 1.299 2839.372990 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274 0.026
2 Albania 1992 3303738.0 0.762 2647.205908 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274 0.026
3 Albania 1993 3300715.0 0.708 2919.471012 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274 0.026
4 Albania 1994 3294001.0 0.584 3216.791504 Europe lower-middle 7404.844274 0.026
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3078 Zimbabwe 2017 14751101.0 0.630 1733.837618 Africa lower-middle -389.441120 -0.826
3079 Zimbabwe 2018 15052191.0 0.712 1779.559752 Africa lower-middle -389.441120 -0.826
3080 Zimbabwe 2019 15354606.0 0.637 1637.711652 Africa lower-middle -389.441120 -0.826
3081 Zimbabwe 2020 15669663.0 0.501 1479.209026 Africa lower-middle -389.441120 -0.826
3082 Zimbabwe 2021 15993525.0 0.525 1571.891677 Africa lower-middle -389.441120 -0.826

3083 rows × 10 columns

With this new dataset, we can confirm our exploratory analysis before,

Are there decoupling countries with less than 20,000 USD GDP Per Capita?

Figure 6 shows a distribution of countries where the their GDP per Capita increases between 1990-2018, while their CO2 emissions were decreased (decoupling countries). As shown, not every country created equally, as different country has different tipping point.

However, as can be seen all countries were sitting above upper-middle income class at around 4,500 USD GDP per Capita.

Show Code
import numpy as np
import altair as alt

#country with increase gdp, but decreased co2
source=merged_df.query(" gdp_diff>0 & co2_diff<0 & population >= 5_000_000")

        "Decoupling Countries",
        subtitle=["At least 5 Million population,", 
                  "Increased GDP while Reducing CO2 Emissions"],
        fontSize=16, offset=10
    ).mark_point(size=90, filled=True, opacity=0.6).encode(
        'co2_per_capita:Q', title='CO2 per Capita',
        scale=alt.Scale(type="log", domain=[0.5,50])
        'gdp_per_capita:Q', title='GDP per Capita',
    color=alt.Color('country', title='Country'),
    size=alt.Size('year:O', scale=alt.Scale(domain=list(np.linspace(1990,2020,10, dtype=int))), title='Year'),
    tooltip=['country', 'population', 'co2_per_capita', 'gdp_per_capita', 'year']
Figure 6: Countries with low CO2 Emission and increase GDP (countries with minimum 2 Million population)

One of the factor to differentiate between these countries in tipping point is population among other things. Kaya identity, listed four factors affecting the emission of a country. One of them is population.

In addition, cumulatively-speaking, emission from populous countries are important to be considered. My country Indonesia, has roughly 280 Million people, and I would imagine it as Youtuber CEO used to say with a hint of aforementioned context;

Problem at Youtube (populous countries) is problem at Scale

Are there any country that was able to decouple their economy, while having high population (at least 100 Million)?

Show Code
import altair as alt

#country with increase gdp, but decreased co2
source=merged_df.query(" gdp_diff>0 & co2_diff<0 & population >= 100_000_000")

        "Decoupling Countries",
        subtitle=["At least 100 Million population,", 
                  "Increased GDP while Reducing CO2 Emissions"],
        fontSize=16, offset=10
    ).mark_point(size=90, filled=True, opacity=0.6).encode(
        'co2_per_capita:Q', title='CO2 per Capita',
        scale=alt.Scale(type="log", domain=[3,30])
        'gdp_per_capita:Q', title='GDP per Capita',
        scale=alt.Scale(type="log",domain=[1000, 100_000])
    color=alt.Color('country', title='Country'),
    size=alt.Size('year:O', scale=alt.Scale(domain=list(np.linspace(1990,2020,10, dtype=int))), title='Year'),
    tooltip=['country', 'population', 'co2_per_capita', 'gdp_per_capita', 'year']
Figure 7: Countries with low CO2 Emission and increase GDP (countries with minimum 100 Million population)

There are, three countries, in the entire world - that was able to decoupled, when the population is at least 100 million.

The interesting part is, all of them is way above the previous tipping point of upper-middle income class (4,500 USD GDP per Capita). These countries tipping point is about 10,000 USD before they can start to decoupled their economy from emissions.

To conclude.

No Countries in the last decades was able to decouple without being rich at least above 4500 USD GDP per Capita for less populous countries (5 Million), and at least 10,000 USD GDP per capita for populous countries (100 Million).

Country with Increased CO2 Emission & Increased GDP

This is probably the category where it gets tricky. These countries, not only among the fastest growing countries in the world, biggest emitter in the last decades, but also among the most populous countries in the world. Critical to asses their approach to emissions, relative to their carbon budget, historical aspect, and their tipping point (income level). As shown in Figure 8, these countries are all on the increasing trend, their GDP per capita is increasing but at the same time they were emitting CO2.

Show Code
import altair as alt

#country with increased CO2 and GDP
source=merged_df.query(" gdp_diff>0 & co2_diff>0 ")

        "GDP per Capita vs CO2 Emission for Countries",
        subtitle=["Countries with Increased GDP and CO2 Emission"],
        fontSize=16, offset=10
    ).mark_point(size=90, filled=True, opacity=0.6).encode(
        'co2_per_capita:Q', title='CO2 per Capita',
        'gdp_per_capita:Q', title='GDP per Capita',
    color=alt.Color('country', title='Country'),
    size=alt.Size('year:O', scale=alt.Scale(domain=list(np.linspace(1990,2020,10, dtype=int))), title='Year'),
    tooltip=['country', 'population', 'co2_per_capita', 'gdp_per_capita', 'year']